BSc Sem. 3 UNIT 2. Theory Questions

BSc Semester 3
UNIT 2. Theory Questions

5 Marks

1.     What is HTML? Explain structure of HTML Page.
2.     Explain any 5 text formatting tags.
3.     What is List? Explain types if list in HTML.
4.     Explain Table in HTML.
5.     Explain Frame in HTML.
6.     Explain Input tag.

2 or 3 Marks

1.     Explain <body> tag.
2.     Explain link tag (<a>).
3.     Explain image tag. (<img>)
4.     Explain <marquee> tag.
5.     <p> vs. <br>
6.     Explain <font> tag.
7.     Explain <textarea> tag.
8.     Explain <select> tag.

1 Mark

1.     Which tag is used to display a picture?
2.     How many heading tags in HTML?
3.     Which attribute can be used with BODY tag to set background color?
4.     Who is making the Web standards?

5.     How to insert multiple spaces in HTML page?


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