
Showing posts from March, 2019

Python Programming Question Bank

Python Programming Question Bank 1.            Explain the Data Types available in Python. 2.            Explain Looping statements in Python. Give examples of while and for loop. 3.            Explain the use of Global and Non-Local variables with example. 4.            Explain Scoping for local variable in python. 5.            Differentiate List and Tuple. 6.            Explain Slicing of strings in python using examples. 7.            Explain List in Python. 8.            Explain Tuples in Python with example. 9.            Explain Dictionary in Python with example. 10.       What is the difference between = = and is operator in Python? 11.       Explain branching and iteration operation in python with example. 12.       What is Specifications? Explain docstring in python. 13.       What is function? Explain default argument using suitable example. 14.       What is module? Discuss various ways to use module in a python program. 15.       What is