Showing posts with the label Core Java
Java Programming Question Bank
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Programming with JAVA Question Bank What is Java? Explain features of Java. Explain data type in Java. Explain Java program structure. Explain loops in Java. Explain Operators in Java. Explain Class and Object. Explain constructor with example. Explain Method Overloading with example. What is Constructor? Explain constructor overloading. Explain static keyword in Java. Explain Access Specifiers in Java. Explain Garbage collection and finalize() method. What is Inheritance? Explain types of Inheritance. Explain abstract class with example. Explain command line argument in java. What is Package? How to create a package? What is Interface? How to create Interface? Explain Exception Handling in Java. Explain try, throw and catch with example. Explain any five method of String class. Explain any five method of StringBuffer class. Explain Wrapper class in Java. Explain Vector class with example. Explain Thread Life Cycle. What is Thread? Explain Thread Priori...
Layout Managers in Java
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Java Layout Managers The GUI is made up of a number of components; the Layout Managers affect the content pane. Layout Managers are provided to arrange GUI components on a container for presentation purposes. This allows the programmer to concentrate on the basic "look and feel" and lets the layout managers process most of the layout details. There are many layout managers. Basic Layout Managers FlowLayout Default for java.applet.Applet , java.awt.Panel and java.swing.JPanel . Places components sequentially (left to right) in the order they were added. You can specify the order. BorderLayout Default for the content panes of JFrame and JApplets . Arranges the components into five areas: North, South East, West and Center GridLayout Arranges the components into rows and columns Advanced Layout Managers BoxLayout Allows components to be arranged left-to...
Difference in Core Java
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Difference in Core Java Method Overloading Method Overriding Overloading occurs when two or more methods in one class have the same method name but different parameters. Overriding means having two methods with the same method name and parameters (i.e., method signature ). One of the methods is in the parent class and the other is in the child class. It is a compile time polymorphism . It is a run time polymorphism . It may or may not need inheritance in Method Overloading. It always requires inheritance in Method Overriding. In Method Overloading, relationship is there between methods of same class. In Method Overriding, relationship is there between methods of super class and sub class. The static method can be overloaded. The static method cannot be overridden. Example: class Add { in...