
Showing posts with the label Python

Sorting and Searching Programs in Python

SORTING Bubble Sort: def bubble_sort(nums):     # We set swapped to True so the loop looks runs at least once     swapped = True     while swapped:         swapped = False         for i in range(len(nums) - 1):             if nums[i] > nums[i + 1]:                 # Swap the elements                 nums[i], nums[i + 1] = nums[i + 1], nums[i]                 # Set the flag to True so we'll loop again                 swapped = True # Verify it works # nums = [5, 2, 1, 8, 4] nums = input('Enter the list of numbers: ').split() nums = [int(x) for x in nums] bubble_sort(nums) print("List Sorted using Bubble Sort") print(nums) Output: Enter the list of numbers: 5 23 3 65 74 55 List Sorted using Bubble Sort [3, 5, 23, 55, 65, 74] Selection Sort: def selection_sort(nums):     # This value of i corresponds to how many values were sorted     for i in range(len(nums)):         # We assume that the first item of th

Python Programming Question Bank

Python Programming Question Bank 1.            Explain the Data Types available in Python. 2.            Explain Looping statements in Python. Give examples of while and for loop. 3.            Explain the use of Global and Non-Local variables with example. 4.            Explain Scoping for local variable in python. 5.            Differentiate List and Tuple. 6.            Explain Slicing of strings in python using examples. 7.            Explain List in Python. 8.            Explain Tuples in Python with example. 9.            Explain Dictionary in Python with example. 10.       What is the difference between = = and is operator in Python? 11.       Explain branching and iteration operation in python with example. 12.       What is Specifications? Explain docstring in python. 13.       What is function? Explain default argument using suitable example. 14.       What is module? Discuss various ways to use module in a python program. 15.       What is

Python Program List 3

121.       Write a Python program to convert the distance (in feet) to inches, yards, and miles. d_ft = int(input("Input distance in feet: ")) d_inches = d_ft * 12 d_yards = d_ft / 3.0 d_miles = d_ft / 5280.0 print("The distance in inches is %i inches." % d_inches) print("The distance in yards is %.2f yards." % d_yards) print("The distance in miles is %.2f miles." % d_miles) Output: Input distance in feet: 100                                                                                     The distance in inches is 1200 inches.                                                                         The distance in yards is 33.33 yards.                                                                          The distance in miles is 0.02 miles. 222.       Write a Python program to convert seconds to day, hour, minutes and seconds. time = float(input("Input time in seconds: ")) day = time // (

Python Program List 2

111.       Write a Python program to get a string and print n (non-negative integer) copies of a given string using function. def larger_string(str, n):    result = ""    for i in range(n):       result = result + str    return result print(larger_string('patel', 2)) print(larger_string('.py', 3)) Output: patelpatel                        212.       Write a Python program to find whether a given number (accept from the user) is even or odd, print out an appropriate message to the user. num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) mod = num % 2 if mod > 0:     print("This is an odd number.") else:     print("This is an even number.") Output: Enter a number: 5                                                                                              This is an odd number. 313.       Write a Python program to test whether a passed letter is a vowel or not. def

Python Program List 1

11.       Write a Python program to get the Python version you are using. import sys print("Python version") print (sys.version) print("Version info.") print (sys.version_info)                 Output: Python version                                                                                                 3.5.2 (default, Sep 10 2016, 08:21:44)                                                                         [GCC 5.4.0 20160609]                                                                                            Version info.                                                                                                  sys.version_info(major=3, minor=5, micro=2, releaselevel='final', serial=0) 22.       Write a Python program to display the current date and time import datetime now = print ("Current date and time : ") print (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S&qu