Python Programming Question Bank

Python Programming Question Bank

1.           Explain the Data Types available in Python.
2.           Explain Looping statements in Python. Give examples of while and for loop.
3.           Explain the use of Global and Non-Local variables with example.
4.           Explain Scoping for local variable in python.
5.           Differentiate List and Tuple.
6.           Explain Slicing of strings in python using examples.
7.           Explain List in Python.
8.           Explain Tuples in Python with example.
9.           Explain Dictionary in Python with example.
10.      What is the difference between = = and is operator in Python?
11.      Explain branching and iteration operation in python with example.
12.      What is Specifications? Explain docstring in python.
13.      What is function? Explain default argument using suitable example.
14.      What is module? Discuss various ways to use module in a python program.
15.      What is List in Python? How list is different from tuple? Discuss any four methods associated with list with suitable example.
16.      What is an exception? Discuss various ways to handle exceptions in python with suitable example.
17.      What do you mean by Assertions? Explain with example.
18.      What is recursion? Explain recursion using a program to compute Factorial.
19.      Discuss various file handling methods available in python.
20.      Explain binary search using example.
21.      What is Defensive programming? Discuss assertion using suitable example.
22.      Explain inheritance using suitable example in python.
23.      Explain Hash Tables in Python.
24.      What is Mortgages? Explain various methods of Mortgages.
25.      Dynamic Programming vs. Divide & conquer
26.      What do you mean by Dynamic Programming? Explain using Fibonacci Recursive Function.
27.      Explain how dynamic programming solve knapsack 0/1 problem.
28.      Explain in detail Dynamic Programming.
29.      What is the use of PyLab in Python? Explain use of plot(), show() and title() functions of PyLab.
30.      Briefly describe the methods of regular expression.
31.      What is lambda function in Python? Explain with an example.
32.      Create a class student with following member attributes: roll no, name, age and total marks. Create suitable methods for reading and printing member variables.
33.      Write a program to implement class named “Account” having methods deposit, withdraw, change Name and show balance.
34.      Write a code to plot graph for (1,2),(2,3),(3,4) and (4,5) and explain various methods used to plot graph in python.
35.      Write a Python program to count words, characters and spaces from text file.
36.      Write a Python program to search a specific value from a given list of values using linear search method.
37.      Write a Python program to find the substrings within a string using Regular Expression.
38.      Write a Python program to find reverse of given number using user defined function.
39.      Create a class Employee with data members: name, department and salary. Create suitable methods for reading and printing employee information.
40.      Write a python program to retrieve strings starting with m and having 5 characters.


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