Spring Assignment Questions

Shree Matrumandir Institute of IT & Management, Rajkot
MScIT&CA Semester I

  1. What is Spring? Explain Architecture of Spring Framework.
  2. Write down advantages of Spring Framework.
  3. What is IoC in Spring?
  4. Explain <bean> tag.
  5. Explain attributes of <constructor-arg> tag.
  6. Explain child elements of <constructor-arg> tag.
  7. Explain Constructor based DI with example.
  8. Explain Setter based DI with example.
  9. What is Factory Method?
  10. What is the difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext?
  11. Explain Life cycle of Bean.
  12. Explain the use of Property & Constructor namespace.
  13. What is Autowiring?
  14. Explain Bean Scope.
  15. Explain CI with Map.
  16. CI vs. SI
  17. Explain AOP Terminologies.
  18. What is Pointcut and Advice?
  19. Explain Spring JDBC Template.
  20. What is SpEL? Write use of it.
  21. Explain Operators in SpEL.


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