Java AWT Controls in Applet

Java AWT Controls

AWT stands for abstract windowing toolkit. It is an API used to create GUI (Graphical User Interface) or windows based applications in Java. AWT defines windows according to the class hierarchy that adds functionality and specificity with each level. The two most common windows are derived from:

1. Panel that is used by the applets
2. Frame that creates a standard window

Panel: It is a container that doesn't have menu bar or title bars. It can have buttons, checkboxes, textfields like components.

Frame: Frame is a container that has title bar and menu bars. It also can have other components like texfields, buttons, checkboxes etc.

Container: It is a subclass of component which contain other components withing it. For example, textbox, list, buttn, label and many more.

AWT package (java.awt.*) provides number of classes to work with. For example: button, label, textfield, list, textarea, checkbox, menu and many more. 

Hierarchy of AWT classes is shown below:

AWT supports number of controls which are subclasses of component class. The AWT provides nine basic non-container component classes from which a user interface may be constructed. (Of course, new component classes may be derived from any of these or from class Component itself.) These nine classes are class Button, Canvas, Checkbox, Choice, Label, List, Scrollbar, TextArea, and TextField. Some of the most commonly used AWT controls are as follows:

1. Label
2. Button
3. TextField
4. TextArea
5. Checkbox
6. CheckboxGroup

Label: Label is one of the AWT control which is used for showing text to the user. It contains a string, which it displays. Label does not have any interaction with the user. The two main methods to get and set the value of a label are as follows:

1. setText()
2. getText()

Button: Button is the most common AWT control that generates an event when it is pressed. In order to handle the event we have to implement ActionListener interface which defines actionPerformed() method when a button is clicked. These are the commonly used methods with button class:

1. setLabel()
2. getLabel()
3. actionPerformed()

TextField: It is a control that allows a user to enter texts, numbers etc in a single line text area and edit it in the same scope of single line. TextField allow us to edit the text by moving the arrow keys and performing cut, copy, paste operations on the text.
TextArea: TextArea is a control that allows editing of multiple lines of text.
Checkbox: Checkbox consists of a small box that can either contain checked mark or not. It is used to turn an option on or off by returning true or false state. We can check multiple checkboxes at a same time. In order to handle the events on checkbox we have to implement ItemListener interface which defines itemStateChanged() method when a checkbox is checked.

There are number of methods which are used to perform operations on checkboxes. These methods include:

1. setLabel()
2. getLabel()
3. setText()
4. getText()
5. itemStateChanged()

CheckboxGroup: CheckboxGroup is a group of checkboxes in which only one checkbox can be checked at a time. It is also referred to as a radiobutton. In order to do this, we have to define a group to which these checkboxes will belong to. These groups are object of type CheckBoxGroup.

We can determine that which checkbox in a group is checked by calling getSelectedCheckbox() method. setSelectedCheckbox() method is used to set the state of a checkbox.

Types of containers

The AWT provides four container classes. They are class Window and its two subtypes -- class Frame and class Dialog -- as well as the Panel class. In addition to the containers provided by the AWT, the Applet class is a container -- it is a subtype of the Panel class and can therefore hold components. Brief descriptions of each container class provided by the AWT are provided below.
A top-level display surface (a window). An instance of the Window class is not attached to nor embedded within another container. An instance of the Window class has no border and no title.
A top-level display surface (a window) with a border and title. An instance of the Frame class may have a menu bar. It is otherwise very much like an instance of the Window class.
A top-level display surface (a window) with a border and title. An instance of the Dialog class cannot exist without an associated instance of the Frame class.
A generic container for holding components. An instance of the Panel class provides a container to which to add components.

Applet program to add two numbers enter in text box.

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

/* <applet code="sumoftwonumbers.class" width="400" height="400"></applet> */

public class sumoftwonumbers extends Applet implements ActionListener{
   Label lbl1, lbl2, lbl3, lbl4;
   TextField txt1, txt2;
   Button btn;
   public void init()
   lbl1=new Label("Enter first Number:");
   lbl2=new Label("Enter second Number:");
   lbl3=new Label("Sum is:");
   lbl4=new Label();
   txt1=new TextField(20);
   txt2=new TextField(20);
   btn=new Button("Result");
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    int s1,s2,s3;

Simple Calculator using Applet

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Button;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.TextField;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

public class Calculator extends Applet implements ActionListener {
            String s, s1, s2, s3, s4;
            Button b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b0;
            Button add, sub, eq, cl, mul, div;
            TextField t1;
            int a, b, c;

            public void init() {
                        t1 = new TextField(10);
                        b1 = new Button("1");
                        b2 = new Button("2");
                        b3 = new Button("3");
                        b4 = new Button("4");
                        b5 = new Button("5");
                        b6 = new Button("6");
                        b7 = new Button("7");
                        b8 = new Button("8");
                        b9 = new Button("9");
                        b0 = new Button("0");
                        add = new Button("+");
                        sub = new Button("-");
                        mul = new Button("*");
                        div = new Button("/");
                        eq = new Button("=");
                        cl = new Button("Clear");

                        GridLayout gb = new GridLayout(5, 5);


            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                        s = e.getActionCommand();
                        if (s.equals("0") || s.equals("1") || s.equals("2") || s.equals("3")
                                                || s.equals("4") || s.equals("5") || s.equals("6")
                                                || s.equals("7") || s.equals("8") || s.equals("9")
                                                || s.equals("0")) {
                                    s1 = t1.getText() + s;
                        if (s.equals("+")) {
                                    s2 = t1.getText();
                                    s3 = "+";
                        if (s.equals("-")) {
                                    s2 = t1.getText();
                                    s3 = "-";
                        if (s.equals("*")) {
                                    s2 = t1.getText();
                                    s3 = "*";
                        if (s.equals("/")) {
                                    s2 = t1.getText();
                                    s3 = "/";
                        if (s.equals("=")) {
                                    s4 = t1.getText();
                                    a = Integer.parseInt(s2);
                                    b = Integer.parseInt(s4);
                                    if (s3.equals("+"))
                                                c = a + b;
                                    else if (s3.equals("-"))
                                                c = a - b;
                                    else if (s3.equals("*"))
                                                c = a * b;
                                    else if (s3.equals("/"))
                                                c = a / b;

                        if (s.equals("Clear")) {



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