BCA Semester 4 Networking Full Form Part 1


  1. LAN :-  Local Area Network
  2. MAN :- Metropolis Area Network
  3. WAN  :- Wide Area  Network
  4. MBPS :- Mega Bits  Per Second
  5. GBPS :- Giga bits Per second
  6. CSMA/CD:- Carrier Sense Multiple Access /Collision Detection
  7. CSMA/CA :-Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance
  8. FDDI :- Fiber Distribute data Interface
  9. CDDI:- Copper Distribute Data  Interface
  10. STP :- Shielded Twisted Pair
  11. UTP:- Unshielded Twisted Pair
  12. OSI :- Open System Inter Face
  13. TP-PMD :- Twisted- Pair Physical Media Development
  14. TP-DDI :- Twisted- Distributed Data Interface
  15. MAV :- Multi Station Access Unite
  16. ISO:- International stander Organization
  17. MAC :- Media access Control
  18. LLC :- Logical Link Control
  19. TCP/IP :- Transmission Control  Internet Protocol
  20. DOD:- Department Of  Defiance
  21. IP :- Internet Protocol
  22. HTTP:- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
  23. SSL:- Secure Sockets Layer
  24. SMTP:- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  25. MIME:- Multi Purpose  Internet Mail Extension
  26. POP :- Post Office Protocol
  27. FTP :- File Transfer Protocol
  28. NTP :- Network Time Protocol
  29. DHCP:- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  30. SNMP :- Simple Network Management Protocol
  31. ICMP :- Inter control Message Protocol
  32. LDAP :- Lightweight Director Access Protocol
  33. ARP :- Address Resolution Protocol
  34. BOOTP :- BOOT Protocol
  35. RARP :- Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
  36. PPTP :- Point To Point Tunneling Protocol
  37. FDM :-  Frequency Division Multiplexing
  38. TDM :- Time Division Multiplexing
  39. EMI :- Electro Magnetite Interface
  40. FDM :- Frequency Division Multiplexing
  41. CDM :- Code Division Multiplexing
  42. WDM  :- Wavelength  Division Multiplexing
  43. NIC :-  Network Interface Code
  44. DSL :- Digital Subscriber Time
  45. ADS :- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber line
  46. ISP :- Internet Service Provider
  47. GUI :- Graphical User Interface
  48. XNS :- Xerox Network System
  49. SAP :- Service Advertisement protocol
  50. NLSP :-Network Line Service Protocol


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