Exception Handling in Python Part 2

Exception Handling in Python




except AssertionError as error:




        with open('file.log') as file:

            read_data = file.read()

    except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error:



    print('Cleaning up, irrespective of any exceptions.')


Summing Up


After seeing the difference between syntax errors and exceptions, you learned about various ways to raise, catch, and handle exceptions in Python. In this article, you saw the following options:

  • raise allows you to throw an exception at any time.
  • assert enables you to verify if a certain condition is met and throw an exception if it isn’t.
  • In the try clause, all statements are executed until an exception is encountered.
  • except is used to catch and handle the exception(s) that are encountered in the try clause.
  • else lets you code sections that should run only when no exceptions are encountered in the try clause.
  • finally enables you to execute sections of code that should always run, with or without any previously encountered exceptions.

In Python, users can define such exceptions by creating a new class. This exception class has to be derived, either directly or indirectly, from Exception class. Most of the built-in exceptions are also derived from this class.

class CustomError(Exception):

Here, we have created a user-defined exception called CustomError which is derived from the Exception class. This new exception can be raised, like other exceptions, using the raisestatement with an optional error message.

When we are developing a large Python program, it is a good practice to place all the user-defined exceptions that our program raises in a separate file. Many standard modules do this. They define their exceptions separately as exceptions.py or errors.py (generally but not always).


Example: User-Defined Exception in Python

In this example, we will illustrate how user-defined exceptions can be used in a program to raise and catch errors.
This program will ask the user to enter a number until they guess a stored number correctly. To help them figure it out, hint is provided whether their guess is greater than or less than the stored number.

# define Python user-defined exceptions
class Error(Exception):
   """Base class for other exceptions"""

class ValueTooSmallError(Error):
   """Raised when the input value is too small"""

class ValueTooLargeError(Error):
   """Raised when the input value is too large"""

# our main program
# user guesses a number until he/she gets it right

# you need to guess this number
number = 10

while True:
       i_num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
       if i_num < number:
           raise ValueTooSmallError
       elif i_num > number:
           raise ValueTooLargeError
   except ValueTooSmallError:
       print("This value is too small, try again!")
   except ValueTooLargeError:
       print("This value is too large, try again!")

print("Congratulations! You guessed it correctly.")

Here is a sample run of this program.

Enter a number: 12
This value is too large, try again!

Enter a number: 0
This value is too small, try again!

Enter a number: 8
This value is too small, try again!

Enter a number: 10
Congratulations! You guessed it correctly.

Here, we have defined a base class called Error.

The other two exceptions (ValueTooSmallError and ValueTooLargeError) that are actually raised by our program are derived from this class. This is the standard way to define user-defined exceptions in Python programming, but you are not limited to this way only.

Exception class hierarchy in Python.


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