
Showing posts from 2019

Saurashtra University M Sc IT Semester 3 Paper of Programming with R 2017

Saurashtra University  M Sc IT Semester 3  Programming with R 2017

Saurashtra University M Sc IT Semester 3 Paper of Hybrid Mobile Application 2017

Saurashtra University  M Sc IT Semester 3  Hybrid Mobile Application 2017

Saurashtra University M Sc IT Semester 3 Paper of Django 2017

Saurashtra University M Sc IT Semester 3  Django 2017

Python Programming Question Bank

Python Programming Question Bank 1.            Explain the Data Types available in Python. 2.            Explain Looping statements in Python. Give examples of while and for loop. 3.            Explain the use of Global and Non-Local variables with example. 4.            Explain Scoping for local variable in python. 5.            Differentiate List and Tuple. 6.            Explain Slicing of strings in python using examples. 7.            Explain List in Python. 8.            Explain Tuples in Python with example. 9.          ...

Unix Shell Script Program List 1 to 10

SCRIPT-1 Write a shell script which reads your name and department and print a message. echo "What is your name?" read nm echo "In which department are you?" read dept echo "My name is $nm." echo "I'm a $dept Student." OUTPUT: $ ./ What is your name? admin In which department are you? BCA My name is admin. I'm a BCA Student. SCRIPT - 2 Write a shell script to check whether numbers are same or not. echo "Enter first number" read a echo "Enter second number" read b if [ $a == $b ] then echo "a is equal to b" else echo "a is not equal to b" fi OUTPUT $ ./ Enter first number 30 Enter second number 20 a is not equal to b SCRIPT-3 Write a shell script to check number using if..else. echo "Enter number" read count if [ $count -eq 100 ] then echo "Count is 100" elif [ $count -gt 100 ] then echo "Count is greater than 100"...

Python Program List 3

121.       Write a Python program to convert the distance (in feet) to inches, yards, and miles. d_ft = int(input("Input distance in feet: ")) d_inches = d_ft * 12 d_yards = d_ft / 3.0 d_miles = d_ft / 5280.0 print("The distance in inches is %i inches." % d_inches) print("The distance in yards is %.2f yards." % d_yards) print("The distance in miles is %.2f miles." % d_miles) Output: Input distance in feet: 100                                                                                     The distance in inches is 1200 inches. ...

Python Program List 2

111.       Write a Python program to get a string and print n (non-negative integer) copies of a given string using function. def larger_string(str, n):    result = ""    for i in range(n):       result = result + str    return result print(larger_string('patel', 2)) print(larger_string('.py', 3)) Output: patelpatel                        212.       Write a Python program to find whether a given number (accept from the user) is even or odd, print out an appropriate message to the user. num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) mod = num % 2 if mod > 0:     print("This is an odd number.") else:     print("This is an even number.") Output: Ente...

Python Program List 1

11.       Write a Python program to get the Python version you are using. import sys print("Python version") print (sys.version) print("Version info.") print (sys.version_info)                 Output: Python version                                                                                                 3.5.2 (default, Sep 10 2016, 08:21:44)         ...