
Showing posts from March, 2018

MScIT&CA Semester 2 April 2017 Paper Android


MScIT&CA Semester 2 April 2017 Paper MongoDB


MScIT&CA Semester 2 April 2017 Paper Cloud Computing


BCA Semester 4 CBCS New March 2018 Java Paper


Java Programming Question Bank

Programming with JAVA Question Bank What is Java? Explain features of Java. Explain data type in Java. Explain Java program structure. Explain loops in Java. Explain Operators in Java. Explain Class and Object. Explain constructor with example. Explain Method Overloading with example. What is Constructor? Explain constructor overloading. Explain static keyword in Java. Explain Access Specifiers in Java. Explain Garbage collection and finalize() method. What is Inheritance? Explain types of Inheritance. Explain abstract class with example. Explain command line argument in java. What is Package? How to create a package? What is Interface? How to create Interface? Explain Exception Handling in Java. Explain try, throw and catch with example. Explain any five method of String class. Explain any five method of StringBuffer class. Explain Wrapper class in Java. Explain Vector class with example. Explain Thread Life Cycle. What is Thread? Explain Thread Priori...

BSc Semester 2 Computer Data Structure Question Bank

B. Sc. Semester 2  Computer   Data Structure   Question Bank C hapter-1 What is pointer? How to declare pointer, explain with example. What is array? Explain types of array with example. What is dynamic memory allocation? Explain dynamic memory allocation functions. Explain sparse matrix. What is Data Structure? Explain types of data structure. Chapter-2 & 3 What is Queue? Explain types of Queue. Write a program to perform insert, delete and display operations on simple queue. What is stack? Write program of stack. Explain circular queue with example. Difference between Stack and Queue. Explain evaluation of express using stack. What is linked list? Explain in detail. Write a program for Singly Linked List. Write a program for Doubly Linked List. Singly linked list v/s doubly linked list. Explain circular linked list with example. Chapter-4 Explain B-tree with example. Write a short ...